Enhancing retail displays with arms and hooks
In the world of retail, presentation makes a huge difference to sales and promotions. This has turned the art of showcasing merchandise into a science. From boutiques to electrical shops and even in garage forecourts, product positioning plays a pivotal role in capturing customers’ attention and driving sales.
Among the collection of tools at a retailer’s disposal, display arms and hooks are two of the most versatile.
Display arms
There are two main types of arms in retail display: waterfall and straight.
Waterfall arms, also known as waterfall hooks, are designed to cascade down from a central point, and so allow garments to be hung in a staggered, tiered arrangement. Straight arms, extend horizontally from a vertical rail or post.
By maximising vertical space, arms help retailers display a larger selection of goods without using a significant amount of floor space. The arrangement of clothes using either of these types of arms makes it easier for customers to browse through options because the garments are not displayed on a potentially overcrowded rail.
The cascade effect created when using the waterfall arms can really draw the customers’ attention and encourages further exploration. Retailers often use waterfall arms for displaying clothing collections, coordinating outfits. They are also used to highlight different colour variations of the same design item.
The arms come in various lengths and materials to accommodate different types of clothing, such as shirts, blouses, trousers, and dresses.
Both waterfall arms and straight arms are designed to enhance the shopping experience by effectively presenting clothing items in a way that is visually appealing and easy for customers to navigate.
Displays with hooks
Hooks are versatile and essential shop fittings. They are used in retail environments to display a wide range of products, from clothing and accessories to packaged goods and more. They come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, offering retailers flexibility in how they showcase their merchandise.
Some common types of hooks include:
Single hooks: these are basic hooks that extend horizontally from a display fixture. They can hold individual items, such as clothing, bags, jewellery, or small packaged goods.
Double hooks: these hooks have two prongs, providing more hanging space. Garments or accessories on hangers are commonly displayed on double hooks
Loop hooks: loop hooks have a curved shape that holds items securely and so prevents them from sliding off.
J-Hooks: J-hooks resemble the letter “J” and are suitable for hanging items like packaged goods, toys, or accessories.
Displays with arms and hooks offer efficient use of space for retailers. Maximising vertical spaces and allowing retailers to display more products within small areas. They also afford good visibility of merchandise. Hanging items at eye level or slightly above ensures that they are easy to find and accessible to customers. Changing inventory or setting up promotional displays is very easy with hooks and arms. This makes them a very flexible tool for retailers and as hooks make is very easy for customers to browse and interact with stock, this also helps to promote a positive shopping experience.
Incorporating hooks into a store’s layout allows retailers to optimise their space. Moreover they help to create engaging displays that encourage customers to explore and interact with the products on offer.